We carry an enormous range of art and craft materials, with some 22,000+ different bar codes in stock which is why we currently do not sell online via the website as it would take us a year just to list them all.
We hold stock for many of the well known brands, which include the following…
Arqadia Mountboard, Bockingford, Canford papers, Caran D’Ache, Carbothello, Daler-Rowney, DAS, Derwent, DK Tools (Amtech), DMC (Sirdar), Loxley Arts, Faber-Castell, Gutermann, Hornby (Airfix and Humbrol), Jakar (and Rosa Ukraine Paints), Jovi, Michael Harding, Montana Spray Paints, Pentel, Pink Pig, Pro Arte, Royal Brush Mfg (Royal & Langnickel), Saunders Waterford, Seawhite, Sennelier, Unipin, Unison Colour, Winsor & Newton, Woolcraft…the list is not exhaustive.